What have been your favourite activities?
"Den Making! I could make it any way I wanted and it was great to work as a team with my friends." (Thomas)
"Making the wooden necklaces and then sliding into the muddy bog!" (Cassia)
"I loved playing in the mud because it was so much fun. I also enjoyed making dens with my friends because some of the people in my group were people I don't normally want to play with. It made a great change." (Teagan)
"Making the clay sculptures because you don't need to worry about being too skillful and get lots of time to practice." (Lara)
"Whittling. It was just so calming, fun and really relaxing." (Kian)
"I think my favourite was the den making. You got to dig, get really muddy and play with your friends." (Oliver)
"I liked setting up the camp and making fires because it was fun and challenging at the same time." (Lewis)
"Well, my favourite thing about Forest School was when I made my own pencil. I got to cut up and burn the wood in a tin on the fire, then use a knife to make a wooden pencil to put the burnt wood sticks into." (Sofia)
"I loved building the dens because it involved team work." (Emma)
"I enjoyed all the woodwork because I got to learn lots of new skills and then use them straight away." (Noah)
"Whittling the wood was my favourite because it was so satisfying to make tiny figures out of sticks." (Tiffany)
"I loved the den making and toasting marshmallows over the fire because I really like those things and never usually get to to them!" (Lucas)