How would you describe Forest School?
"It's just so much fun! I love going there!" (Ava)
"It gets you out of school and to a place where you can enjoy nature." (Dehlen)
"A great time outdoors all day, surrounded by nature and friends." (Yasmin)
"You get to learn new skills, in a fun way, out in the forest." (Christopher)
"It's a place to get creative!" (Jake)
"It takes you to a forest full of freedom, wishes and wonder!" (Zara)
"It is amazing! So much fun, full of excitement ... and really messy!" (Charley)
"Forest School is where you go out into the woods, meet nature and learn new skills in a really fun way." (Isabelle)
"Forest School is where you get to do lots of things you would never do in school. There is just so much space to explore and run around in." (Alex)
"It's like having an all day playtime ... but educational and fun!" (Samuel)
"It's exciting to be outdoors and always to feel safe when you explore, make things and cook food." (Jessica)
"You get outside and away from school, making lots of fun things and playing with your friends." (Esme)