Our Local Offer
Local Offer - What do East Grinstead Group of Schools (EGGS) offer children
with Special Educational Needs
As you may know, the Government has recently changed the way children with Special Educational Needs will be provided for. We work closely with our locality group of schools and in response to the changes together, we have written the following statement explaining how we are addressing these changes. This will be kept updated as there are changes.
Updated 27th November 2013
"In response to a request from the EGGS Headteachers' Group and in the light of forthcoming national legislation, EGGS SENCos have taken a proactive approach to the development of future Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision for the 0-25 age group by considering the feasibility of a local SEND Hub Nework based in East Grinstead.
Representatives of parents, governors and SENCos have met together to share an introduction to the concept of a SEND Hub Network.
The group felt that strategically the creation of a local hub would better serve the families, children and young people in the area and this will be the basis of the local offer.
A working party will take this project forward over the coming month, reporting to headteachers, governors and SENCo's initially and with a view to reporting to and consulting more widely with a broader stakeholder group including families, providers and associated services, including health and social care, early in 2014.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Emily Webster, our Assistant Headteacher with reponsibility for Inclusion.