Do you feel more confident and independent?

"I have played with different people, learned to be mindful of nature and learnt new skills. Amazing!" (Emily)
"I have become far more curious about nature and feel much safer using tool by myself." (George)
"The way I think of teamwork has changed, especially in how you work together to make big dens. I also feel more confident to explore things around me in my own life." (Chloe)
"I feel far braver than before and I am excited to play with new people and learn to try out new things." (Mia)
"I am now far more self-aware around fires, a lot more curious about the woods and a lot more independent to try new things." (Harry)

"I have lots of new ideas and feel a lot more confident to try them out! I feel my perspective on being outdoors and with nature has improved." (Ben)
"I am more curious about trees and plants. I want to know all about them and would love to work with nature." (Veronica)
"I always wanted to know how to whittle and now I do! I feel confident cutting wood and making cool things!" (Fin)
"Forest School has made me more curious about discovering the different types of animals and trees that there are in the world. I also feel a lot more independent and confident in using the bow saw and knife by myself, creating things that are totally different to anyone else!" (Louis)
"I think Forest School has changed my thoughts about a lot of things. I feel far braver to try new things and a lot more confident to make and use things that I didn't know I could ever do!" (Charlotte)

"Now I am the only person in my family that knows about the forest! I feel confident to go out there by myself and tell other people because I know so much about it. I have learnt how to make so many new things ... and also how I am so glad to have a house and not a den to live in!" (Vincent)
"I am now so eager to get outside and into the woods! Being there is so relaxing and fun. Forest School has made me want to know more about our world and how to protect it." (No name)
"I was really nervous of going out into the woods before ... now I am the total opposite! I look forward to getting outside in the forest because it is so much fun! Before I didn't like getting dirty, but now I'm used to it because that's just what happens when you go to the woods and explore!" (Alfie)
"I now see things in a different way. I am far more curious about the woods and the world around me and feel confident to use tools, work by myself and take time to create something just the way I want it." (Merryn)
"Forest School has made me a lot more adventurous! I loved the whittling and being able to make fires by myself safely. I am now so curious about wildlife and want to discover more." (Olivia)