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Do you feel more confident and independent?

"I act differently in Forest School because we are surrounded by nature and not desks and walls. I never really liked the forest, but now I am filled with curiosity. I am now not so much more independent, but more willing and wanting to work with a team." (Harrison)


"I have become far more confident in using tools, like knives and saws, especially using them by myself. I am also far more curious to discover about nature around me." (Riley)


"I have become far more sociable. I look forward to just being outside and having a break from 'normal' school. It lets me do what I really enjoy, being creative and turning sticks and bits of wood into something new. Forest School has taught me that anything is possible and can be what YOU want it to be!" (Oliver)


"I am now so enthusiastic about nature and actually look forward to getting outside for once. I have begun to believe that I can do everything on my own if I really try." (Albert)


"I love that you can do activities in any order and in school there is simply no choice! This has made me braver and more independent in being able to make my own choices and start to wonder what I would do differently the next time we go there. I loved working hard on things I had never tried before and loved the fact that I now know I can do it again next time ... only even better!" (Alfie)

"I still struggle to make fires, but if someone needed to learn how to whittle, I could totally 100% teach them. I am now always curious about what I can make out of wood and leaves and other bits and bobs lying around in the forest. It was great that Mr T explained to us all the things we could do, then let us just wander and do what we love in any order we wanted." (Maddy)


"Forest School has made me far closer to the people I worked with. I am also more independent and made a spear all on my own without any help from my peers. I loved the chance to use my imagination!" (Peyton)


"It was great getting outside and not doing maths and writing all the time inside. It made me believe that I could do things without an adult, with Mr T putting me in charge of 'dangerous stuff' and feeling safe that I was trusted to do this. Forest School made me curious about nature and see that a few twigs and acorns can be turned into something amazing!" (Evie)


"Forest School has made me realise how totally cool nature is! I now feel that I sort of connect with it." (Ava)


"It was all so interesting that so much could live and grow in such a small space. A patch just 1 metre in size was just filled with so many bugs, plants and birds above. I loved being able to challenge myself to learn new skills and wanted to practice and improve by myself. It felt so easy to be independent and confident in Forest School ... something I do not feel sitting in lessons all day." (Nathan)

"Forest School has made me realise that I actually belong to the OUTSIDE world! I always feel so confident, motivated and resilient in everything we do. I just feel more independent and trusting in myself to go out into the woods and get creative to make amazing things!" (Imaan)


"Forest School has really started to change my thoughts about going outside to learn. I loved being able to be creative and use teamwork, something we don't really do in class." (Javison)


"In school I always have to act so focused and serious. Forest School makes me feel excited and free! It is just fun to be so close to nature. I always look forward to smelling fresh air and being able to laugh out loud without being told off! I feel that I am allowed to take risks and solve problems on my own and am starting to try this in class too." (Lois)


"I just want to get outside and out into the wild more now. It gave me a chance to spend time working together with my friends to create something together. I now see that everywhere you look, there is something to can use to get creative with. I also appreciate that the wood is alive, so when making a den, don't cut the spiky holly, weave it into the den instead. It made me think." (Izzy)


"I act way more confident out in Forest School and have a totally different attitude towards nature, like when I go for a walk with my family, I am familiar with so many more things and want to tell them all about it. Before, I would have just ignored the woods around me, but now I keep saying, "We learned this at Forest School." (Millie)


"My views on nature have totally changed. I just did not realise how really beautiful it can be. Whittling wood was so calming and I feel confident doing it all on my own." (Frankie)


