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Adverse weather procedures

When making a decision of whether it is safe to open the school, many factors are considered including safety to both children and staff, the ratio of staff who are able to safely get to school and the condition of the school grounds and surrounding area.


We will always try to give as much notice as possible, but as you can understand this is not always possible, and may only happen in the morning.  The decision to close the school will normally be made jointly with Fairway Infant School. 


If we are unable to open, a ParentMail email will be sent to all those on the school system, and a message put on the school website, so please check these regularly.  Due to computer services being overwhelmed, there is sometimes a delay in the messages being sent, so please do check more than one source.  Information will also appear on West Sussex Country Council website (  In addition, we also contact BBC Radio Sussex who broadcast details of school closures. 


Please do not call the school to check if the school is open, if you have not received an email and there is no message on the website saying the school is shut, then assume it is open.  Every effort will be made to add a message to the website stating that the school is open.  Please though, be careful travelling to the school and ensure that you are safe to do this.  A decision may be made to delay the start of school to ensure that staff and children can travel safely with more time allowed.


If the school is open and the weather deteriorates during the school day, an informed decision, including advice from West Sussex County Council, will be made on whether to close the school.  If this is the case, a ParentMail email will be sent as well as a text message.  Please ensure that we have the correct mobile phone number so we can contact you quickly to arrange collection of your child.  We will, of course, keep your child safe until arrangements can be made, however, we have to ensure that all staff can safely get home too.
