School Logo


Welcome to our Personal, Social, Health and Economic education pages. Here you will find our ethos and aims for teaching PSHE and our curriculum.


Our School aims to be a loving, inclusive family where our core Christian Values of courage, creativity, confidence, compassion and curiosity are recognised and developed. At Copthorne Junior School we believe that our Christian values can be both the driver and the vehicle for our school improvement. Our values are rooted in the biblical message of God’s love for us and how we in turn grow in our own expression of our own love for Him and for each other. “We love because He loves us first” (1 John 4:19).  These core values will help us sustain an ethos which supports our aim for children to live happy, safe, healthy and fulfilling lives, to become confident individuals and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society. We hope that our core values will help children understand that there are some central beliefs that people hold, and learn to fall back on these when making choices and decisions using these core values as an important guiding tool.


We have designed our curriculum to reflect the needs of our local area and school community, which has been developed in consultation with staff, pupils and parents. The consultation and policy development process involved following the West Sussex ‘E4S’ pathway. 


We have used a variety of resources to build our curriculum including Zones of Regulation lessons, 3D PSHE and Jigsaw. These are lessons are linked with whole school worship and behaviour strategies. Pupil's views have been recorded through a PSHE class book, school council initiatives and anti-bullying ambassadors.
