In a few words, what is Forest School to you?

"Creative Fun in the Dirt!" (Lola)
"Refreshing, Adventurous, Fun!" (Lily)
"Awesome, Fun and Exciting!" (Ellie)
"Having Fun, Learning Outside!" (Gianluca)
"Fun, Amazing ... with Scary Bugs!" (Soha)
"Amazing, Inspiring Fun!" (Merryn)

"Fun, Amazing, Creative!" (George)
"Relaxing, Enjoyable, Fun!" (Rio)
"Awesome, Creative and Fun!" (Ashton)
"Exciting, Excellent and Dirty!" (Alfie)
"Interesting, Creative, Fascinating and Amazing!" (Arin)
"Amazing, Marvellous and Cool!" (Harry)

"Brilliant, Awesome and so Relaxing!" (George)
"Amazing, Fun, Educational!" (Vincent)
"Epic ... just the BEST!" (Ben)
"A fun, happy, helpful learning experience!" (Scarlett)
"Fun, Amazing and Beautiful!" (Peige)
"Phenomenal, Amazing, Sensational!" (Fin)
"Fun, Calm ... and NO PRESSURE!" (Louis)
"Simply the greatest type of school there is!" (Veronica)