Governing Body
Welcome to the Governors’ section of the website.
Like thousands of other school around the country, we are bound by law to have a group of voluntary Governors overseeing the life and welfare of all our children and the school.
The Governors’ role is extremely important in contributing to the strategic development of the school as well as the promotion of high standards of achievement within the school.
The Governing Body have considerable legal and administrative responsibilities and their powers and duties are set and provided by parliament via Education Acts.
The Governing Body is made up of Parent Governors, LA Governors, Foundation Governors, Staff and Co-Opted Governors.
The Governing Body is a collective body, and various working parties look at different areas of priority for the school - for example the Curriculum, staffing, budget management and safeguarding.
The Full Governing Body meets once a term.
Besides the legal obligations our Governors are very actively involved in spending time in school to support the staff and children to help make Copthorne Junior School a happy, stimulating and pleasant environment for learning.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor and would like to learn more please contact the Chair.
To contact the governors via email the address is