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At Copthorne CE Junior School, we recognise that there is a very clear relationship between the regularity with which pupils attend school and their academic achievement.

Pupils with good attendance records benefit from:

• Continuity of learning in lessons.
• Improved attainment.
• Maintaining friendships.
• Developing good habits for adult life.

We therefore ask for your support to keep absenteeism to a minimum, so that we can prepare your son/daughter effectively for their future. Please ensure that all medical appointments are made after school or in the school holidays.


Why is good attendance and punctuality so important?


The school recognises that parents have a vital role to play in supporting and encouraging good attendance and punctuality.  By accepting responsibility in partnership with the school, we can work together to ensure the children’s right to a full education, as well as enabling parents to fulfil their legal responsibility.


It is very important for all children to attend school every day and to arrive on time.  School starts promptly at 8.50am and children should be in school by this time.  This is essential to ensure that children benefit fully from classroom learning and that other children’s learning is not disrupted. 


All lateness/attendance is recorded and monitored by the school.  Usually, the only acceptable reason for a pupil to miss a day of school is if they are too ill to attend. If this is the case, you should ring/text the school office. If you are not sure in the morning whether your child is well enough for school, we suggest you send them in.  We can always call you if they become too ill to get through the day.


Punctuality Facts


5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost learning each year

15 minutes late each day = 2 weeks lost learning each year

30 minutes late each day = 19 days lost learning each year


